McLaren hospitality suite fire

McLaren hospitality suite evacuated at Spanish GP after fire breaks out

A fire broke out at the McLaren hospitality suite in the Barcelona paddock shortly before Practice Three of the Spanish GP. It is understood that a least two fire staff personnel were treated for smoke inhalation.

The McLaren team endured a scare at the Spanish Grand Prix on Saturday morning when what is believed to be an electrical fire broke out in their motorhome, causing it to be evacuated. The fire brigade was brought into the paddock to deal with it and it is understood several people were taken for treatment due to smoke inhalation.

“One McLaren team member has been taken to hospital as a precaution, and all McLaren personnel and guests are accounted for,” McLaren said later.

An hour before the final practice session began in Barcelona, with the team’s hospitality suite hosting guests, team members and drivers, the fire broke out in the unit that has two floors, reportedly above the kitchen, which is located on the ground floor.

The lights went out and everyone was ushered out, including the British driver Lando Norris and his Australian teammate, Oscar Piastri.

The fire brigade was summoned into the paddock, with personnel from other teams acting swiftly to clear the way for the emergency services. The firefighters entered the hub with hoses to deal with the fire, while ambulances also arrived, although it is believed there were no serious injuries.

Much of the drivers’ equipment is kept in the motorhome, including their race suits but the team were able to continue with the final practice session with both drivers taking to the track and the team running as planned.

Spain has suffered a fire in the paddock before when the Williams garage endured a serious blaze when fuel caught fire after Pastor Maldonado had won the race for the team here in 2012.

Fire Hazards of Disposable Barbecues

The Hidden Fire Hazards of Disposable Barbecues

As the sun shines and the days grow warmer, many of us are eager to head outdoors and enjoy a good barbecue. With their convenience and portability, disposable barbecues have become a popular choice for picnics, beach outings, and camping trips. However, these seemingly innocuous devices carry significant fire risks that often go overlooked. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the fire dangers associated with disposable barbecues and provide tips on how to enjoy your outdoor cooking safely.

The Appeal of Disposable Barbecues

Disposable barbecues are attractive because they are:

– Convenient: Pre-packed with charcoal, they are easy to use and require minimal setup.

– Portable: Lightweight and compact, they are ideal for spontaneous outings.

– Inexpensive: Generally cheaper than traditional barbecues, making them accessible to many.

However, these benefits come with serious fire risks that must be understood and mitigated.

The Fire Dangers

1. High Heat and Inadequate Containment:

Disposable barbecues generate high temperatures but lack the robust containment systems of traditional grills. This makes them prone to tipping over or having hot coals escape, which can ignite nearby flammable materials.

2. Prolonged Cooling Time:

After use, disposable barbecues remain hot for several hours. Many people mistakenly believe they can be disposed of immediately after cooking, leading to incidents where hot coals ignite trash bins or dry grass.

3. Lack of Stability:

Disposable barbecues are often placed on uneven or unstable surfaces. A slight bump or gust of wind can cause them to topple, scattering hot coals and starting fires.

4. Improper Disposal:

Even when cooled, the remnants of a disposable barbecue can cause fires if not disposed of correctly. Placing them in plastic bins or leaving them in areas with dry vegetation can lead to unintentional fires.

5. Environmental Factors:

Dry and windy conditions significantly increase the risk of fires. Sparks or embers from a disposable barbecue can easily be carried to nearby vegetation, igniting a blaze.

Real-World Examples

Unfortunately, the dangers of disposable barbecues are not just theoretical. There have been numerous incidents where improper use or disposal of these barbecues has led to significant fires:

– Forest Fires: There have been instances where disposable barbecues have caused large forest fires, leading to extensive environmental damage and costly firefighting efforts.

– Property Damage: Campgrounds and public parks have suffered property damage due to fires started by disposable barbecues.

– Personal Injury: Individuals have sustained burns and other injuries from mishandling these devices or from fires that they started.

Safety Tips for Using Disposable Barbecues

To enjoy the convenience of disposable barbecues without compromising safety, follow these guidelines:

1. Choose Your Location Wisely:

Use disposable barbecues on stable, non-flammable surfaces such as concrete or metal grills provided in parks. Avoid using them on dry grass, wooden tables, or any area where embers could catch fire.

2. Monitor Constantly:

Never leave a lit barbecue unattended. Keep an eye on children and pets to prevent accidental knocks or spills.

3. Have a Fire Extinguisher or Water Source Ready:

Always have a bucket of water, sand, or a fire extinguisher nearby to douse any unintended flames quickly.

4. Allow Proper Cooling Time:

Let the barbecue cool completely before attempting to dispose of it. This can take several hours. Check the temperature of the coals before handling.

5. Dispose of Responsibly:

Once cool, wrap the barbecue securely in aluminium foil to contain any remaining embers, and dispose of it in a designated metal trash bin.

6. Be Mindful of Environmental Conditions:

Avoid using disposable barbecues on windy days or during dry spells when the risk of wildfires is heightened.


While disposable barbecues offer convenience and the joy of outdoor cooking, it’s crucial to be aware of and mitigate the fire risks they pose. By following safety guidelines and exercising caution, you can enjoy your barbecue while protecting yourself, others, and the environment from the dangers of fire. Remember, a little awareness and preparation can go a long way in ensuring that your outdoor adventures are both fun and safe.

Summer Fire Safety

Summer Fire Safety: Understanding and Mitigating Seasonal Fire Risks

Summer is a time for outdoor fun, barbecues, and enjoying the warm weather. However, it’s also a season with specific fire risks. Here are some summer fire safety tips to help understand these risks and how to mitigate any dangers.

Outdoor Cooking and Grilling

Barbecues and Grills: Summer is synonymous with outdoor grilling. However, improper use or maintenance of barbecues and grills can lead to fires. Ensure your grill is clean, free of grease buildup, and placed away from flammable materials. Never leave the grill unattended while in use.

Portable Stoves and Fire Pits: These can enhance your outdoor experience but pose a significant fire risk if not properly monitored. Use them in controlled environments and avoid using them in windy conditions where embers can easily spread.


Personal Fireworks: Fireworks are a staple of summer celebrations, but they can be dangerous if mishandled. Always follow safety guidelines, use fireworks in open areas away from dry grass or trees, and ensure children are supervised.

Sparklers: These might seem harmless but can burn at extremely high temperatures. Ensure they are used in open spaces away from flammable materials and monitor children closely.

Dry Conditions

Drought and Dry Vegetation: Hot, dry weather increases the risk of brush and grass fires. A single spark can ignite dry leaves, grass, or trees, so be cautious with any open flames or heat sources near dry vegetation.

Mulch and Pine Needles: These common landscaping materials can easily catch fire from discarded cigarettes or embers. Keep these materials moist and clear of ignition sources.

Increased Electrical Usage

Air Conditioners and Fans: Summer often means increased use of air conditioners and fans. Ensure these appliances are in good working order, and avoid overloading electrical circuits to prevent overheating.

Pool Equipment: Faulty wiring or improper use of electrical equipment for pools and hot tubs can pose a significant fire risk. Regular maintenance and safety checks are crucial.

Flammable Liquids

Gasoline for Lawn Equipment: Store gasoline properly in approved containers and never refuel equipment while it is hot. Spills and vapours can easily ignite.

Outdoor Chemicals: Many outdoor products, including pool chemicals and insecticides, are flammable or reactive. Store these items safely and away from heat sources.

Spontaneous Combustion

Oily Rags: Rags soaked in oil-based products can spontaneously combust if not stored properly. Store these rags in a metal container with a tight lid and keep them away from heat sources.

Outdoor Lighting

Decorative Lights: String lights and other outdoor decorations can overheat if not rated for outdoor use or if misused. Always follow manufacturer instructions and avoid overloading circuits.

Campfires and Bonfires

Recreational Fires: Whether it’s a campfire or a bonfire, recreational fires can easily spread if not properly contained or extinguished. Use fire rings or pits, never leave a fire unattended, and always have a water source nearby to extinguish the fire completely.

Preventive Measures for a Safe Summer

– Keep grills clean and place them away from the home and deck railings.

– Never leave grills, fire pits, and campfires unattended.

– Store fireworks and gasoline in cool, dry places.

– Regularly inspect and maintain electrical appliances and outdoor equipment.

– Properly dispose of oily rags and store them in a metal container with a tight lid.

– Use spark screens on outdoor fires and never use them on windy days.

– Keep a fire extinguisher or water source nearby when engaging in activities that involve open flames or high heat. 

By being aware of these summer-specific fire risks and taking appropriate precautions, you can significantly reduce the chance of fire in your household. Enjoy your summer safely and responsibly!

Stay safe and enjoy your summer to the fullest by being mindful of these fire risks and implementing the summer fire safety recommended preventive measures. A little caution can go a long way in ensuring a fun and fire-free season!

King’s Cross Fire

Famous Fires In History – King’s Cross Fire

In the bustling heart of London, a tragedy unfolded on November 18, 1987, that would forever be etched into the city’s history. The King’s Cross Fire, a devastating blaze in the city’s iconic King’s Cross St. Pancras Tube station, claimed the lives of 31 individuals and injured many more.

The Fateful Night

It started as an ordinary evening commute for many Londoners, navigating the tunnels of the Underground, a lifeline of the city. But that evening, tragedy struck with a ferocity that would leave scars on the community for years to come.

Around 7:30 pm, a small fire broke out underneath a wooden escalator at King’s Cross St. Pancras station. At first, it seemed like a manageable incident, but within minutes, the fire grew rapidly. Fueled by a deadly combination of grease, litter, and the wooden structure itself. Thick, toxic smoke filled the station, creating a chaotic and harrowing scene.

As panic spread among commuters and station staff, the situation quickly spiralled out of control. The fire’s intensity made it difficult for those inside to find their way to safety. Tragically, 31 people lost their lives in the inferno, and over 100 others suffered injuries, some life-changing.

Lessons Learned

The aftermath of the King’s Cross Fire was not just a time for mourning but also reflection and change. The inquiry that followed highlighted several critical safety lapses that contributed to the severity of the tragedy.

One of the key factors was the highly combustible materials in the station. This included the wooden escalators and the accumulation of debris. The fire’s rapid spread was exacerbated by the lack of proper fire prevention measures and inadequate staff training. Additionally, the absence of effective communication systems hindered the coordination of the emergency response.

In response to these findings, significant changes were implemented in fire safety regulations for underground stations across the UK. Wooden escalators were gradually phased out, and replaced with safer materials. Improved fire detection and suppression systems were installed, and staff training was intensified to ensure they could respond effectively in emergencies.

In the face of tragedy, the city of London came together, offering support and solidarity to those affected. The lessons learned from that fateful night have undoubtedly saved countless lives since, a testament to the determination to prevent such a disaster from ever happening again.


As we look back on the King’s Cross Fire of November 18, 1987, we remember the lives lost and the lessons learned. It serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of fire safety, preparedness, and the resilience of communities in the face of adversity.

Today, King’s Cross St. Pancras stands as a symbol of both tragedy and transformation. The station has been rebuilt and modernised, incorporating the hard-learned lessons of the past. 

Sources – King’s Cross Fire

Image 1 – The King’s Cross fire, 1987 – link

Church of the Society of Jesus

Famous Fires In History – Church of the Society of Jesus Fire, Chile 1863

In the heart of Santiago, Chile, nestled amidst the bustling streets and lively markets, stood a symbol of faith and beauty. Church of the Society of Jesus. Its ornate architecture and grandeur drew worshippers and visitors alike, a beacon of spirituality in the growing city. However, on a fateful day, December 8th, 1863, tragedy struck, leaving a lasting mark on the city’s history.

The Church of the Society of Jesus Fire

The Church of the Society of Jesus was a Jesuit church located in downtown Santiago. The day of the fire was the celebration of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, one of the most popular festivities of the religious calendar. The temple was adorned with a profusion of candles, oil lamps and wall coverings. In the main altar, a large statue of the Virgin Mary stood over a half-moon that in itself was a huge candelabra.

That night, the fire started a few minutes before 7 pm, when an oil lamp at the top of the main altar ignited some of the veils that adorned the walls. By a flaw in the design, the church of Compañía had doors that swung inward. A strong wind blew the doors open during the liturgy. This wind knocked a candle off the podium and disrupted the meeting of worshippers. The fire started by the burning candle roared through the church which resulted in the church’s destruction. More than 2500 people died in the fire. This makes it the 16th most deadly fire in history, according to NFPA statistics. However, this could be higher if the exact number of lives lost was known.

Somebody tried to put it out by smothering it with another cloth but managed only to make the fire jump over to the rest of the veils and from there on to the wooden roof. The mostly women attendees panicked and tried to escape. Still, the side doors had been closed to leave space to accommodate more people (they could be opened only inwards), leaving the main entrance as the primary escape route for most occupants in the church. Men were seated separately from women with an iron grating between them, and most of the men quickly escaped, many of them returning to the burning church to try to rescue those still trapped.

The priests retreated into the sacristy, and some of the men made their escape by following them. The priests were gathering together the church’s valuables to save them, and they closed the door to the sacristy so they could do this in peace. No one escaped through the sacristy after the door was closed. The priests then left the scene, all unharmed, with what valuables they were able to save from the blaze.

The main door became jammed with a pile of approximately 200 women and children, which made it impassable. Eventually, the side doors were also opened, but they also became jammed. Rescuers were able to pull about 50 people from these heaps, but no more.

Upon being notified of the tragedy, U.S. Envoy to Chile Thomas H. Nelson rushed to the scene and assisted in rescue operations. Several days after the fire, Nelson was recognized as a “true hero of Chile.”

The big hoop skirts worn at the time made escape very difficult if not impossible, causing the people at the front to fall and be trampled by the ones behind. Very soon the main entrance was blocked by a human wall of bodies, impeding both the exit of the ones trapped inside and the entry of rescuers. The main tower of the church was built of wood (while the rest of the church was solid masonry) and finally collapsed inwards around 10 pm, putting an end to the few remaining survivors.


Between 2,000 and 3,000 people perished in the fire, in a city that at the time had about 100,000 inhabitants. Entire families were wiped out. The cleanup of the bodies took about ten days, and since most of the bodies were burned beyond recognition, they were placed in a mass grave at the Cementerio General de Santiago.

A Santiago newspaper printed the names of over 2,000 known victims. The same paper also printed a list of the objects saved by the priests and their value. This led to public outcry against the priests who had saved valuable objects but not people. Already under fire for designing a celebration mass with thousands of candles and oil lamps surrounded by flammable cloths and decorations, Ugarte and his colleagues drew more criticism when they later explained the deaths of so many women and girls as the Virgin Mary needing to take them without delay to her bosom.

Moving Forward

The remaining walls of the church were torn down, and a garden was planted in the place, with a statue placed at the site where the main altar used to be. A few years later, a second statue replaced the first. The garden and the statues still exist. The second statue is now part of the Ex Congreso Nacional gardens. The original statue is located at the main entrance of the Cementerio General de Santiago.

One of the contributing factors to the death toll was the lack of an organised fire brigade. This motivated José Luis Claro y Cruz to organise the first Volunteer Firemen’s Corps in Santiago. This service was set up on December 20 of the same year. Fire brigades in Chile, even today, are still made up only of unpaid volunteers. New fire regulations were also a result of this. The tragedy contributed to the partial secularisation of the Chilean government over the next two decades.

Sources – Church of the Society of Jesus, Chile 1863

Image 1 – The History Blog – link

NPFA statistics – 16th Most Deadly Fire – link

Wikipedia – Church of the Company Fire – link

Great Chicago Fire

Famous Fires in History – The Great Chicago Fire

American history was shaped by many events. Few events stand out with the magnitude and lasting impact of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. This devastating inferno, which blazed through the heart of the city, left a huge mark on the landscape and the collective memory of the nation. As we delve into the story of this historic tragedy, we uncover the remarkable rebirth of a city from the ashes.

October 8, 1871

It was a dry and windy Sunday evening on October 8th 1871. A small blaze ignited in the O’Leary family’s barn on DeKoven Street. The exact cause of the fire remains a subject of debate. Theories range from a cow knocking over a lantern to children playing with matches. Regardless of the source, what started as a seemingly innocuous fire quickly spiralled out of control due to the strong winds and the mainly wooden structures of the city.

Unstoppable Destruction

As the flames engulfed the O’Leary barn, they leapt from building to building with alarming speed. The blaze spread rapidly, fueled by the dry conditions and a cityscape ripe for conflagration. Chicago’s buildings, constructed mostly of wood, tar, and other flammable materials, provided ample fuel for the fire.

Several factors hampered efforts to contain the inferno. The city’s fire department needed to be equipped for a disaster of this scale. Additionally, the fire alarm system, reliant on telegraph wires, was compromised early in the blaze, rendering communication and coordination nearly impossible.

Devastation Unleashed

As the fire raged into the night and the following day, it consumed entire city blocks. Businesses, homes, churches, and schools fell to the flames, leaving behind a trail of destruction and despair. The intense heat generated by the fire was said to have melted iron and even warped steel structures.

Eyewitness accounts describe a scene of unimaginable chaos and terror. Residents fled their homes with whatever belongings they could carry, seeking refuge wherever they could find it. Some escaped to the shores of Lake Michigan, while others sought safety in the Chicago River, hoping to find temporary respite from the advancing inferno.

The Toll of Tragedy

The human cost of the Great Chicago Fire was staggering. While exact numbers remain elusive due to the chaos of the situation, it is estimated that 300 people lost their lives in the blaze. Over 10,000 were left homeless, their lives upended in an instant. The fire also exacted a heavy toll on the city’s economy, destroying businesses and infrastructure vital to its growth and prosperity.

Rising from the Ashes

In the wake of such devastation, the spirit of Chicago shone brightly. Almost immediately, relief efforts poured in from neighbouring cities and states. Supplies, money, and volunteers arrived to aid in the city’s recovery. The American Red Cross, then in its infancy, played a crucial role in assisting the fire’s victims.

Architects and city planners seized the opportunity to rebuild Chicago, this time with an eye toward safety and modernity. The city enacted strict building codes, mandating the use of fireproof materials such as stone and brick. The iconic Chicago skyline that we know today, with its steel-framed skyscrapers, rose from the ashes of the Great Fire.

Legacies and Lessons

The Great Chicago Fire left a lasting imprint on the city and the nation as a whole. It served as a stark reminder of the importance of fire safety and urban planning. In its aftermath, fire departments across the country underwent reforms and improvements, bolstering their capabilities to prevent and respond to such disasters.

Moreover, the resilience and unity displayed by the people of Chicago in the face of tragedy became a defining characteristic of the city. The phrase “Chicago Strong” gained new meaning as the city rebuilt itself, stronger and more determined than ever before.

Remembering the Great Chicago Fire

Today, the Great Chicago Fire remains a pivotal moment in American history, remembered through memorials, museums, and historical accounts. The Chicago Fire Academy stands as a testament to the city’s commitment to fire safety and education. The O’Leary family, unfairly scapegoated for so long, has also been pardoned through historical research, shedding light on the complexities of historical narratives.

As we reflect on the events of that fateful day in 1871, we honour the memory of those who perished and the resilience of a city that rose from the ashes. The Great Chicago Fire serves as a reminder of the fragility of human endeavour in the face of nature’s wrath and the enduring strength of the human spirit in times of adversity. The Great Chicago Fire left such a mark it overshadowed another tragic fire that occurred on the same day, the Peshtigo Forest Fire. This fire claimed more lives than Chicago however is completely overlooked in many historical accounts of the period.

Out of the ashes of destruction emerged a city rebuilt, reimagined, and resilient. Its legacy lives on in the modern skyline of Chicago. As we remember this historic event, we also pay tribute to the lives lost, the lessons learned, and the enduring legacy of a city that refused to be consumed by the flames.

Image Sources – The Great Chicago Fire 1871

Image 1 – What really started the Great Chicago Fire? – link

Peshtigo Forest Fire

Famous Fires In History – Peshtigo Forest Fire 1871

In the annals of American history, certain disasters are etched into our collective memory—the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 being one of the most famous. However, overshadowed by this well-known event is another, even more devastating catastrophe that unfolded on the very same day—the Peshtigo Forest Fire. This lesser-known but profoundly tragic event deserves remembrance and reflection for its sheer scale of destruction and the lives it claimed.

The Setting

Nestled in the forests of northeastern Wisconsin, the town of Peshtigo was a bustling lumber community in the 19th century. Timber was the lifeblood of the town, with sawmills dotting the landscape and a burgeoning population of lumber workers and their families. The region was experiencing a dry spell, and by the fall of 1871, the forests surrounding Peshtigo were like tinder waiting for a spark.

The Day of Devastation

That spark came on October 8, 1871. High winds whipped through the area, fanning small fires that had been smouldering in the surrounding forests. These fires quickly grew out of control, merging into a massive inferno that bore down on Peshtigo and the surrounding settlements with terrifying speed.

As night fell, the townspeople found themselves in a nightmare. The blaze engulfed everything in its path. Homes, businesses, forests, and lives were sadly lost. The intensity of the fire was such that it created its weather system, with tornado-like winds and fire whirls wreaking havoc.

Unimaginable Destruction

The Peshtigo Forest Fire’s scale of destruction was staggering. Entire communities were wiped off the map in a matter of hours. The wooden structures that made up Peshtigo and the neighbouring villages were no match for the all-consuming flames.

In the end, 1,252 lives were lost. This number is up in the air with some records stating other numbers. The exact number remains uncertain due to incomplete records and the sheer chaos of the event. To put this in perspective, the Peshtigo Fire remains the deadliest wildfire in recorded history, far surpassing the death toll of the Great Chicago Fire, which claimed around 300 lives.

Heroes and Survival

Amidst the horror, stories of heroism and survival emerged. Some townspeople sought refuge in the Peshtigo River, immersing themselves in the water to escape the flames. Others huddled in makeshift shelters, hoping against hope for the inferno to pass. The bravery of individuals who risked their lives to save others, often at the cost of their own, is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable tragedy.

Remembering the Legacy

Despite its magnitude, the Peshtigo Forest Fire has largely faded from the popular memory of American history. The attention was garnered by the Great Chicago Fire, which occurred on the same day. This overshadowed this lesser-known tragedy. However, the legacy of the Peshtigo Fire lives on in the descendants of survivors, in the scars on the landscape, and in the lessons we can learn from this catastrophic event.

Lessons Learned

The Peshtigo Forest Fire serves as a stark reminder of the destructive power of wildfires, particularly in areas prone to dry conditions. It underscores the importance of preparedness, early warning systems, and community planning to mitigate the impact of such disasters.

Moreover, the story of Peshtigo highlights the resilience of communities in the face of unimaginable loss. It speaks to the human capacity to rebuild and persevere, even when faced with overwhelming odds.


As we remember the Peshtigo Forest Fire of 1871, let us honour the memory of those who perished. The bravery of those who survived, and the resilience of the communities that rose from the ashes. It is a reminder that history is not just about the famous events that dominate textbooks but also the lesser-known tragedies that profoundly shape our collective story.

The Peshtigo Forest Fire may have been overshadowed by its more famous counterpart, but its impact on the lives of those who experienced it was no less profound. In remembering this forgotten tragedy, we pay tribute to the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of learning from the past to build a safer future.

Sources – Peshtigo Forest Fire 1871

– “The Great Peshtigo Fire: An Eyewitness Account” by Rev. Peter Pernin

– “Firestorm at Peshtigo: A Town, Its People, and the Deadliest Fire in American History” by Denise Gess and William Lutz

– Wisconsin Historical Society: The Peshtigo Fire of 1871

– PBS American Experience: The Peshtigo Fire

– Image 1 – Stories from the Archives: The Great Peshtigo Fire – link

Fire Fighting at the Olympic Games

Firefighting at the Olympic Games

Firefighting was an event featured at the 1900 Olympic Games in Paris as an unofficial sport. Competitions were held for both professional and volunteer firefighters. While the firefighting event is not considered by the International Olympic Committee as an Olympic event, the report of the 1900 Games, prepared by A. G. Spalding, devotes multiple pages to the competition.

The international competition (which France chose not to compete) included teams of both professional and volunteer firefighters. The teams were required to extinguish a fire and perform a rescue.

The instructions were (in French) “Le feu s’est déclaré au 3e étage d’une maison d’habitation à six étages; le 4e étage et les escaliers des parties hautes sont impraticables. Des personnes sont à sauver aux 5e et 6e étages Opérer les sauvetages et l’extinction”, which roughly translated is “The fire started on the 3rd floor of a house six floors; 4th floors and stairs the upper parts are impassable. People are saving the 5th and 6th floors. Operate rescue and extinction.”


There were three teams made up of volunteers – England (Lyton), Hungary (Buda-Pesth) and Portugal (Oporto). The winning team was Oporto from Portugal, followed by Lyton and then Buda-Pesth.

There were just two professional teams – Italy (Milan) and the United States (Kansas City) – won by Kansas City of the USA and “its famous engine and hook and ladder company No.1.”

Image Sources – Firefighting at the Olympics

Fire Fighting at the 1900 – Image 1 – link

Weird Olympic Sports – Image 2 – link

Albion Colliery Disaster

Famous Fires In History – The Albion Colliery Disaster

Famous Fires In History - The Albion Colliery Disaster

The Albion Colliery Disaster stands as one of the most tragic events in the history of Welsh coal mining. This catastrophe, which unfolded on the morning of Friday, 23 June 1894, brought devastation to the small mining community of Cilfynydd, near Pontypridd. It remains a poignant reminder of the dangers faced by coal miners during the industrial revolution. Let us delve into the details of this heart-wrenching event and its lasting impact.

Setting the Scene: Cilfynydd and the Coal Industry

Cilfynydd, a village nestled in the Rhondda Valley, was a typical mining community in 19th-century Wales. Its economy revolved around the coal industry, with the Albion Colliery being a central fixture in the lives of its inhabitants. The colliery, owned by the Albion Steam Coal Company, employed a considerable number of local men and boys, who descended daily into the depths of the earth to extract the lifeblood of the Industrial Revolution: coal.

The Tragedy Unfolds

On that fateful morning in June, the routine of the miners at Albion Colliery was shattered by a catastrophic event. At around 5:30 am, a massive explosion tore through the mine, shaking the very foundations of the village above. The explosion was so powerful that it was heard miles away, sending shockwaves of terror through the community.

The cause of the explosion was later determined to be a buildup of firedamp, a highly flammable gas composed mainly of methane. When mixed with air in certain concentrations, firedamp becomes explosive, and the slightest spark can set off a devastating chain reaction. Unfortunately, this is precisely what happened at Albion Colliery that morning.

Rescue Efforts and Community Response

In the aftermath of the explosion, frantic rescue efforts began. Brave volunteers from nearby collieries rushed to the scene, risking their own lives to save their trapped comrades. The scene underground was one of unimaginable horror – darkness, debris, and the haunting silence broken only by the distant moans of the injured.

Above ground, a scene of anguish and desperation unfolded as families gathered near the pithead, anxiously awaiting news of their loved ones. Women wept, children clung to their mothers, and the air was thick with fear and sorrow.

The Toll of Tragedy

As the hours passed, the grim reality of the disaster became apparent. Of the 256 men and boys who had been working in the mine that morning, only 37 emerged unscathed. The rest were either killed instantly by the force of the explosion or trapped deep within the labyrinthine tunnels.

The final death toll stood at 290, making it one of the deadliest mining disasters in Welsh history. Among the victims were fathers, sons, brothers, and friends – each one leaving behind a shattered family and a grieving community.


albion colliery disaster

Lessons Learned and Legacy

The Albion Colliery Disaster sent shockwaves through the coal mining industry, prompting calls for improved safety measures and better working conditions. It served as a stark reminder of the inherent dangers of working in the mines and the urgent need to prioritise the well-being of miners.

In the years that followed, changes were implemented, including stricter regulations on ventilation, the use of safety lamps to detect gas, and improvements in rescue procedures. While these measures could not erase the pain of the disaster, they helped prevent similar tragedies in the future.

Remembering the Victims

Today, the Albion Colliery Disaster is remembered through memorials and commemorations. The Cilfynydd community, though forever scarred by the events of that day, has not forgotten the sacrifice of those who perished. The memory of the miners lives on in the collective consciousness of Wales, a poignant reminder of the price paid for the coal that fuelled the industrial revolution.


The Albion Colliery Disaster of 1894 stands as a dark chapter in Welsh mining history. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by coal miners and their families, as well as the importance of worker safety. As we remember the victims of this tragic event, let us also honour their legacy by continuing to strive for safer working conditions for all.

In the quiet hills of Cilfynydd, amidst the remnants of the old colliery, the echoes of that dreadful day still linger. May we never forget the men and boys who went to work on that morning in June, never to return to the surface. Their story is a poignant reminder of the human cost of progress.

Image Sources – The Albion Colliery Disaster

Image 1 – Albion Colliery: The forgotten mining disaster – link

Image 2 – Albion Colliery: The forgotten mining disaster – link

Flamengo Training Ground Fire

Famous Fires In Sport – Flamengo Training Ground Fire

Netflix has released a documentary Dreams To Tragedy: The Fire that Shook Brazilian Football. The documentary details the tragic events that occurred on February 8th 2019 at the Flamengo Training Ground. We will delve into the logistics of what happened.

Tragedy struck the football world as a devastating fire engulfed the training centre of one of Brazil’s most storied football clubs, Flamengo. This horrific event claimed the lives of ten promising young players. It sent shockwaves through the global football community, prompting discussions about safety standards, club responsibility, and the fragile dreams of young athletes.

Dreams To Tragedy: The Fire that Shook Brazilian Football

Across three episodes, the Netflix documentary follows the professional careers of some of the fire’s survivors. Young people who spent a part of their lives at Ninho do Urubu and whose careers have very much moved on. It also features journalists, football professionals and the victims’ families, as they search for answers. In moving accounts, parents voice their pain and reveal how they have been fighting to get justice for their children. Ever since the tragedy occurred. 

In addition to personal accounts, the series features never-before-seen images of the fire and recreates moments from that night. This is all done through scenes dramatised and shot by director Pedro Asbeg. The reconstruction plays an important part in the debate about the causes of a tragedy that has left a lasting mark in the history of Brazilian football. To offer a social reflection in memory of the victims and to ensure that such a tragedy never happens again, it also deals with the direct consequences of the judiciary’s inertia about the fire.

The Ninho do Urubu: A Place of Dreams and Development

The training ground, known as Ninho do Urubu (Nest of the Vulture), was more than just a place where footballers honed their skills. It was a symbol of hope and aspiration for young athletes from across Brazil. Nestled in the western Rio de Janeiro neighbourhood of Vargem Grande, this facility was where dreams were meant to take flight.

Flamengo are one of Brazil’s most popular and successful football clubs. The club invested in the training ground to provide its youth players with the necessary facilities. Ninho do Urubu was complete with several pitches, dormitories, a gymnasium, and classrooms. This is where aspiring footballers not only learned the intricacies of the game but also received education and support for their personal development.

The Tragic Fire

In the early morning hours of February 8, 2019, a fire broke out. The location of the fire was the temporary living quarters in a newly expanded section of the campus. The location had only been permitted by the Rio de Janeiro government as a parking lot. The dorms that were there had already been subjected to 31 fines and a lawsuit owing to the lack of safety. The blaze quickly spread through the makeshift sleeping quarters where young players, some as young as 14, were resting after a day of training. The intensity of the fire and the speed at which it spread left little chance for escape.

Ten young players lost their lives in the fire, sending shock and grief throughout Brazil and beyond. The victims were identified as Athila de Souza Paixão (14), Arthur Vinícius de Barros da Silva Freitas (14), Bernardo Pisetta (14), Christian Esmério Candido (15), Jorge Eduardo dos Santos Ferreira Sacramento (15), Pablo Henrique da Silva Matos (14), Vitor Isaías (15), Samuel Thomas de Souza Rosa (15), Gerdson Santos (14), and Rykelmo de Souza Viana (17).

The tragedy not only claimed the lives of these promising athletes but also left three others with severe injuries, including Cauan Emanuel Gomes Nunes (14 years old), Francisco Dyogo Bento Alves (15), and Jhonatha Cruz Ventura (15). The survivors faced a long road to physical and emotional recovery. Young lives were forever changed by the events of that fateful night.

Investigations and Questions of Responsibility

In the aftermath of the fire, investigations were launched to determine the cause of the tragedy. This would go alongside investigations to ascertain whether proper safety measures were in place at the training centre. The initial findings pointed to a faulty air conditioning unit as the likely cause of the fire. Reports indicated that the unit caught fire and quickly spread flames and smoke throughout the wooden structure of the dormitory.

Questions were raised about the club’s compliance with safety regulations. It was revealed that the training centre lacked proper permits. The club had been fined multiple times for infractions related to fire safety. The tragedy prompted a broader conversation about the responsibilities of football clubs in ensuring the safety and well-being of their young players. Particularly for those in their care at training facilities.

Mourning and Solidarity

The football world came together in mourning for the young lives lost in the fire. Tributes poured in from clubs and fans around the globe. Gestures of solidarity and support for Flamengo and the families affected by the tragedy. Players, coaches, and officials from rival clubs set aside their differences. Expressing their condolences and calling for improved safety standards across the sport.

Flamengo, while grieving the loss of its young talents, faced scrutiny and legal challenges in the wake of the fire. The club pledged to cooperate fully with investigations and to provide support for the families of the victims. The Brazilian football federation, along with government officials, vowed to enact stricter regulations to prevent such a tragedy from occurring again.

Links – Flamengo Training Ground Fire

Image 1 – Brazil’s Flamengo Soccer Club Training Ground – link

Netflix Documentary – link