Whether you live in a cosy flat in London or a sprawling house in the countryside, having a fire escape plan is essential.

How to Create and Practise a Fire Escape Plan

Fire safety is a critical aspect of home safety that every household should prioritise. A well-thought-out fire escape plan can be the difference between life and death. Whether you live in a cosy flat in London or a sprawling house in the countryside, having a fire escape plan is essential. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating and practising an effective fire escape plan for your home.

Step 1: Assess Your Home

The first step in creating a fire escape plan is to assess your home thoroughly. Understand the layout, including all possible exits such as doors and windows. Take note of the following:

1. Primary Exits: Identify the main doors used daily.

2. Secondary Exits: Locate windows and other doors that can be used in an emergency.

3. Escape Ladders: If you live in a multi-storey building, consider installing escape ladders for the upper floors.

4. Obstacles: Identify any obstacles that might impede escape and find ways to remove or circumvent them.

Step 2: Draw a Floor Plan

Create a detailed floor plan of your home. This can be done on paper or using a digital tool. Ensure to include:

– All rooms

– Hallways

– Doors

– Windows

– Staircases

– Emergency ladders

Mark all possible exits clearly. Highlight the primary escape route in green and the secondary route in orange. This visual aid will be crucial during practice drills.

Step 3: Designate Meeting Points

Choose a safe meeting point outside your home where everyone will gather after escaping. Ensure the spot is:

– A safe distance from the house

– Easily identifiable

– Accessible to all family members

Common meeting points include a specific tree, a neighbour’s house, or a street lamp.

Step 4: Install and Check Safety Equipment

Proper safety equipment can significantly improve your chances of safely escaping a fire. Ensure you have:

– Smoke Alarms: Install them in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of your home. Test them weekly if possible.

– Fire Extinguishers: Keep them in easily accessible locations, such as the kitchen and garage.

– Fire Blankets: Place them in the kitchen and near any fireplaces.

– Escape Ladders: If needed, install them on upper floors and ensure everyone knows how to use them.

Step 5: Educate Your Household

Ensure every member of your household understands the fire escape plan. Conduct a meeting to discuss:

– The layout of the escape routes

– The importance of not opening hot doors (check with the back of the hand)

– Crawling low under smoke to avoid inhalation

– The procedure for using escape ladders and fire extinguishers

Step 6: Conduct Regular Drills

Practice makes perfect. Conduct regular fire drills to ensure everyone knows how to respond in an emergency. Follow these steps during a drill:

1. Sound the Alarm: Use your smoke alarm to start the drill.

2. Execute the Plan: Everyone should practice using both primary and secondary escape routes.

3. Meet at the Designated Point: Gather at your safe meeting point.

4. Review and Improve: After each drill, discuss what went well and what could be improved. Adjust your plan accordingly.

Tips for Effective Drills

– Conduct Drills in Different Conditions: Practice during the day and at night to simulate different scenarios.

– Use a Timer: Time how long it takes to evacuate. Aim to get everyone out within two minutes.

– Simulate Realistic Conditions: For example, block an exit to ensure everyone knows how to use the secondary route.

Additional Safety Tips

– Teach Children Fire Safety: Ensure children understand the danger of fires and the importance of the escape plan. Teach them how to call emergency services (999 in the UK).

– Stay Low and Go: Instruct everyone to crawl low under smoke to reduce inhalation risks.

– Never Re-enter: Once out, never go back inside a burning building. Inform the fire brigade if someone is missing.


Creating and practising a fire escape plan is a vital step in ensuring your household’s safety. By following these steps and regularly updating and practising your plan, you can significantly improve your chances of escaping a fire unharmed. Remember, preparation is key – stay safe, stay prepared, and make fire safety a priority in your home.

For more tips on home safety, have a look at our rich collection of informative blog posts HERE to stay informed with the latest advice and best practices. Stay safe!

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