Using Fire Extinguishers for Barbeques

Mastering Fire Safety: Using Fire Extinguishers for Barbeques and Bonfires

Summer is synonymous with barbeques and bonfires, activities that bring joy, warmth, and mouthwatering meals. However, these outdoor delights come with an element of riskโ€”fire hazards. Understanding how to safely extinguish a fire can make the difference between a minor incident and a potential disaster. This blog post will guide you through the essentials of using fire extinguishers for different types of barbeques and outside bonfires, ensuring your gatherings remain safe and enjoyable.

Types of Fires and Fire Extinguishers

Before diving into the specifics, it’s crucial to understand the types of fires and the corresponding fire extinguishers:

  • Class A: fires involving ordinary combustibles like wood, paper, and cloth.
  • Class B: fires involving flammable liquids.
  • Class C: fires involving flammable gases.
  • Class D: fires involving combustible metals.
  • Electrical: not their own class. Occur when live electrical equipment is involved in a fire.
  • Class F: fires involving cooking oils or fats.

Each class of fire requires a specific type of extinguisher:

  • Water Extinguishers (Class A)
  • Foam Extinguishers (Class A, B)
  • Dry Powder Extinguishers (Class A, B, C, Electrical)
  • CO2 Extinguishers (Class B, Electrical)
  • Wet Chemical Extinguishers (Class A, F)

Fire Safety for Barbeques

1. Charcoal Barbeques

– Fire Type: Class A (Charcoal)

– Extinguisher: Water or Foam Extinguishers are effective for extinguishing charcoal fires. Water cools down the embers, while foam smothers the flames and prevents re-ignition.

– Tip: Keep a bucket of water or a garden hose nearby. Ensure the barbeque is completely cooled before disposing of the ashes.

2. Gas Barbeques

– Fire Type: Class C (Butane or Propane)

– Extinguisher: Dry Powder Extinguishers are best for gas fires. Dry powder interrupts the chemical reaction of the fire, helping to put it out.

– Tip: Turn off the gas supply if it is safe to do so before using the extinguisher. Regularly check for gas leaks in hoses and connections.

3. Electric Barbeques

– Fire Type: Electrical Fires

– Extinguisher: CO2 Extinguishers are preferred for electrical fires as they do not leave any residue that could damage electrical components.

– Tip: Disconnect the power source if possible before using the extinguisher. Avoid using water or foam extinguishers to prevent electric shock.

Fire Safety for Bonfires

1. Wood Bonfires

– Fire Type: Class A (Wood and Paper)

– Extinguisher: Water or Foam Extinguishers are suitable for bonfires. Water can douse the flames, while foam can cover the burning material, cutting off the oxygen supply.

– Tip: Maintain a safe distance from structures and trees. Keep a water source like a hose or buckets of water readily available.

2. Rubbish or Debris Bonfires

– Fire Type: Class A (Mixed Combustibles)

– Extinguisher: Dry Powder Extinguishers can handle the varied materials in trash fires. They work by forming a barrier between the fuel and the oxygen.

– Tip: Avoid burning materials that can produce toxic fumes. Never leave the fire unattended and ensure it is fully extinguished before leaving the site.

General Safety Tips

– Placement: Always position your barbeque or bonfire in a clear, open area away from flammable materials.

– Wind Conditions: Be mindful of wind direction and strength. Avoid lighting fires in strong winds.

– Supervision: Never leave a barbeque or bonfire unattended. Assign someone to watch the fire at all times.

– Extinguisher Access: Ensure fire extinguishers are easily accessible and that everyone knows their location and how to use them.

– Emergency Numbers: Keep a phone nearby to call emergency services if a fire gets out of control.


Enjoying barbeques and bonfires is a cherished summer activity. Still, it’s vital to prioritise safety. By understanding the types of fires and the appropriate extinguishers, you can act quickly and effectively in an emergency. Equip your outdoor gatherings with the right fire safety tools, stay vigilant, and you can focus on having fun with peace of mind.ย 

Stay safe, and happy grilling!

Bonfire Night Safety

Top Tips for Safety on Bonfire Nightย 

Bonfires and fireworks are a fantastic spectacle for celebrating special occasions, but safety should always be a top priority. Safety around fireworks and Bonfire night as a whole helps prevent injuries that can range from burns, eye injuries, and hearing damage to more severe trauma like fractures and amputations.

Safety measures also play a critical role in protecting property by reducing the risk of fires caused by fireworks landing in flammable areas. Additionally, they help preserve the health of individuals, particularly young children and pets, who are more vulnerable to the dangers of fireworks. Ensuring safety around fireworks prevents accidents that can harm both those directly involved and bystanders, promoting an enjoyable and risk-free experience for all.

Bonfire Night Safety Tips

To ensure a memorable and incident-free event, follow these essential tips for Bonfire Night and firework safety. We hope you can use these tips to have a fun and safe Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes Night).

1. Choose a Safe Location

If you are hosting your own fireworks or bonfire display this Bonfire Night, select a secure and open area far away from any buildings, trees, and other flammable objects. Ensure there are no overhanging branches or cables to prevent sparks from causing accidents.

2. Keep Water or a Fire Extinguisher Handy

When having a bonfire or fireworks there can always be a risk of something going wrong. Having a ready source of water or a fire extinguisher nearby can be all it takes to stop any accident from causing severe damage. This is crucial in case something unintended catches fire.

3. Use Safe Firewood and Fuel

Only use dry, untreated wood for your bonfire. Avoid using flammable liquids such as gasoline or kerosene, as they can be less predictable and could lead to dangerous flare-ups.

4. Maintain a Safe Distance

Keep a safe distance from the bonfire and fireworks. Depending on the size of your bonfire try to stay at least 4 to 6 meters away from the bonfire. Most modern fireworks will have a manufacturer’s recommendations for the distance that you should stand away from it.

5. Designate a Responsible Adult

Appoint someone to supervise the bonfire and fireworks, especially if children are present. This person should be sober and experienced with fire safety.

6. Wear Appropriate Clothing

Dress in non-flammable and tightly woven clothing. Avoid loose, flowing garments that could catch fire or become entangled in fireworks.

7. Light Fireworks Safely

Fireworks should be lit with extended, flame-resistant devices, such as long lighters or fuses. Never use your hands, and keep your face away from the fireworks.

8. Pet Safety

Remember that bonfires and fireworks can be terrifying for pets. Keep them inside the house, away from the noise and potential dangers. Make sure they are microchipped and have proper identification in case they escape due to fear. If needed, consult with a vet about anxiety-calming solutions for your pets on these occasions.

9. Prepare for Emergencies

A first-aid kit should be on hand and someone should know how to use it. Making sure everyone attending the event knows what to do in case of an emergency is also essential.

10. Dispose of Fireworks Safely

Once all the fireworks have been used, soak them in a bucket of water before disposing them in a non-flammable container. These actions can prevent accidental reignition.

By following these bonfire and firework safety tips, you can enjoy your celebrations around Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes Night) while minimising the risk of accidents and injuries. Remember to prioritise safety for both people and pets to ensure a joyful and incident-free event. Make sure you implement these safety practices to have a fun and safe Bonfire Night!