When purchasing a new fire extinguisher, the location it is going to be stored in is integral. If that location is prone to low temperatures, the fire extinguisher you want might not be suitable, find out now.

Water Fire Extinguishers
Water fire extinguishers should be kept at a temperature range of +5°C to +60°C. If kept at a temperature below 5°C Water fire extinguishers will not work properly and will freeze when the temperature gets to 0°C. This also goes for Water Plus as well as Water Mist extinguishers. To find out more about these extinguishers, click here.

AFF Foam Fire Extinguishers
AFF Foam fire extinguishers should also be kept at a temperature range of +5°C to 60°C. If kept at a temperature below 5°C Foam fire extinguishers will not work properly and will freeze. To find out more about these extinguishers, click here.
Wet Chemical Fire Extinguishers
Wet Chemical fire extinguishers should be kept at a temperature range of 0°C to 60°C. If kept at a temperature below freezing Wet Chemical fire extinguishers will not work and will freeze. To find out more about these extinguishers, click here.

MultiCHEM Fire Extinguishers
MultiCHEM fire extinguishers are usable when kept in the temperature range of -5°C to +60°C. This means MultiCHEM fire extinguishers will freeze and will not be functional at any temperature below -5°C. To find out more about these fire extinguishers click here.
Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers
Regular Dry Powder fire extinguishers can be kept at a temperature as low as -10°C with no further additional freeze protection. These therefore are perfect for situations where the temperatures might drop below freezing because they are designed to cope with these temperatures. To find out more about these extinguishers, click here.

CO2 Fire Extinguishers
CO2 fire extinguishers can be kept in the incredible temperature range of -20°C to +60°C. This allows them to stay useful in almost all locations because of there usability in pretty much any weather. CO2 extinguishers are therefore able to be used after being stored outside and in locations down to -20°C. To find out more about these extinguishers click here.
Low Freeze Additive Fire Extinguishers
Low Freeze Additive Fire extinguishers are able to be stored in temperatures down to -9°C. These are available for Water and AFF Foam Extinguishers. This is a very common choice for low temperature locations because of the usability of Water and Foam extinguishers. To find out more about these extinguishers, click here.