Christmas Light Fire Safety

Light Up Your Holidays Safely

The holiday season is a time of joy, warmth, and lots of festivities. As you deck the halls and trim the tree, it’s essential to keep safety at the forefront of your celebrations. One significant aspect to pay attention to is electrical safety, particularly when it comes to Christmas lights. In this post, we’ll explore some crucial tips to ensure your holiday season remains merry and bright without the risk of fire hazards.

1. Inspect Your Lights

Before you start decorating, carefully inspect all your Christmas lights. Look for frayed wires, broken sockets, or any other visible signs of damage. Some people may be reluctant to replace old sets of lights for them being full of old memories.  If you notice any issues, it’s safer to replace the lights than to risk a fire. Always purchase lights from reputable sources, ensuring they meet safety standards.

Christmas Light Fire Safety

2. Watering Real Christmas Trees

This one is often used as a method for keeping your tree healthy and full throughout December. It is also one of the best tips for fire safety at Christmas time. This little trick can help stop the huge spread of a fire and can easily save lives and homes.

Dry Christmas trees are very flammable and can turn a small flame into a full house fire in a matter of minutes. This is demonstrated very well with this great YouTube video by

3. Use the Right Lights for the Right Purpose

Not all Christmas lights are created equal. Outdoor lights are designed to withstand the elements, while indoor lights may not have the same level of durability. Be sure to use lights in their intended environments to prevent safety hazards. If you’re unsure, check the packaging or consult the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Holiday Fire Safety - Outside Lights
Holiday Fire Safety - Overloaded Sockets

4. Avoid Overloading Outlets

Overloading electrical outlets is a common cause of fires during the holiday season. Spread your decorations across multiple outlets and use surge protectors to prevent electrical overload. Never daisy-chain multiple extension cords or power strips, as this can increase the risk of overheating and fires.

5. Turn Off Lights When You're Away

Save energy and reduce the risk of fire by turning off your Christmas lights when you leave the house or go to bed. This is a very common mistake people make, especially when leaving the house in the evening. Lights are left on so that they can look nice for anyone looking in whilst you are out. 

Consider using timers or smart plugs to automate this process, ensuring your lights aren’t left on unnecessarily. Turning the lights off overnight is a very important step to make sure there is no risk of them starting a fire.

Holiday Fire Safety - Turning Off Lights
Christmas Lights - Mindful Placement

6. Mindful Placement

Ensure that your Christmas lights are placed away from flammable materials, such as curtains, drapes, or furniture. Keep lights clear of any potential fire hazards, and avoid placing them near heat sources like radiators or fireplaces.

7. Properly Dispose of Old Lights

If you’re replacing old Christmas lights, dispose of them properly. Do not toss them in the regular bin, as they can pose an environmental hazard. Look for recycling programs or look into proper disposal methods in your area.

Disposal of Christmas Lights

8. Educate Your Family

Ensure that everyone in your household is aware of the importance of electrical safety during the holidays. Teach children not to play with electrical decorations and emphasise the need for responsible use of lights.

9. Have an Emergency Plan

In case the unexpected happens, have a fire emergency plan in place. Ensure everyone in your household knows how to exit the home safely and where to gather outside. Keep fire extinguishers in accessible areas and check that they are in good working condition.

This holiday season, prioritise safety to guarantee a festive and worry-free celebration. By following these tips and being mindful of electrical safety, you can create a joyful and secure environment for you and your loved ones. May your holidays be filled with warmth, light, and the magic of the season!

Candle Fire Safety

Candle Fire Safety: Protecting Your Home and Loved Ones

Candles have been used for centuries to provide light, relaxation, and a sense of ambience in our homes. While they can create a warm and inviting atmosphere, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential dangers they pose. Candle fires are responsible for thousands of fires, injuries, and even deaths each year. We’ll delve into the statistics and information surrounding candle fires and provide essential tips on candle fire safety.

The Statistics

1. Startling Numbers: (1) According to Zurich, there were a reported 940 candle fires in the UK in the 2021/22 year period (September to September). This number is the highest it has been in over 10 years. These fires caused 11 fatalities.

2. Leading Cause: Candle fires are one of the leading causes of home fires, ranking behind only cooking and heating equipment incidents.

3. Seasonal: (2) Most candle fires occur between the months of October to February. This is likely due to winter and the festive periods such as Halloween and Christmas.

4. Property Damage: Candle fires result in millions of pounds in property damage every year. The aftermath of a candle fire can be devastating, causing emotional and financial distress for affected individuals and families.

Candle Fire Hazards

1. Unattended Flames: One of the primary causes of candle fires is leaving candles unattended. A single moment of neglect can lead to a disastrous outcome. An unprotected flame can spread very quickly. 

2. Flammable Materials: Placing candles near flammable materials, such as curtains, decorations, or paper, can easily lead to a fire outbreak.

3. Overlooking Extinguishing: Failing to extinguish candles before leaving a room or going to bed poses a considerable risk. It’s essential to ensure candles are fully extinguished, even if you plan to return shortly.

Candle Fire Safety Tips

1. Never Leave Candles Unattended: Always extinguish candles when you leave a room or go to sleep.

2. Keep Candles Away from Flammable Objects: Maintain a minimum of 12 inches of clearance between candles and flammable materials.

3. Use Candle Holders: Place candles in sturdy, heat-resistant candle holders to reduce the risk of accidental fires.

4. Keep Candles Out of Reach: If you have children or pets, make sure that candles are placed where they cannot be easily accessed or knocked over.

5. Consider Flameless Alternatives: If safety is a top concern, consider using LED or flameless candles to achieve the same ambience without the risk of fire.


Candles can be a source of comfort and relaxation, but it’s vital to prioritise candle fire safety. The statistics surrounding candle fires are concerning, and the potential for injury and property damage is significant. By following the safety tips mentioned above and being vigilant, you can enjoy the beauty of candles while minimising the risk of a devastating candle fire. Your safety and that of your loved ones should always come first.

(1) Zurich – UK News – Safety warning over winter blackouts as energy crisis ignites decade-long high in candle blazes

(2) BullerWell – Independent Insurance Brokers – Candle Fires – How Bad Are They?

Christmas Fire Safety Tips

Approaching coming up to Christmas time, fires are roaring and lights are shining. With all the festivities comes extra fire danger and risks. Here are some top tips for fire safety at Christmas time.

Watering all real Christmas trees

This one is often used as a method for keeping your tree healthy and full throughout December. It is also one of the best tips for fire safety at Christmas time. This little trick can help stop the huge spread of a fire and can easily save lives and homes.

Dry Christmas trees are very flammable and can turn a small flame into a full house fire in the matter of minutes. This is demonstrated very well with this great Youtube video by

Checking lights aren't damaged and confrom to British Standards

Lights on a Christmas tree and around the house in general do look good, but if they are faulty or damaged this can spark a very dangerous fire. Lights conforming to British Standards allows you to know that the products that are sprinkled around your house this December are not faulty and not likely to spark a fire.

When lights are old and used (like a lot of people’s Christmas lights are) they can be a potential risk of starting fires. If you notice any fraying or damage to your lights or ANY cables and wires in your house make sure you deal with them immediately and either replace the wiring professionally or get a new product.

Never overload sockets or outlets

During the Christmas season we tend to have more electrical items that we are not used to having to plug in the rest of the year. This can lead to people being lazy with their care for electrical safety. This can lead to overloaded sockets.

Overloaded sockets are a huge risk when it comes to starting fires. Too much electricity running through the outlet at once will cause an increase in temperature, which can lead to further problems. This can cause electrical faults leading to sparks and fires. This tip for fire safety at Christmas is essential as it is one of the more common fire starters during the festive period.

Always turn off Christmas lights before going to bed

With Christmas lights people love to leave them overnight because they ‘look good’. This is a very dangerous habit. Doing this could leave your Christmas tree and your house vulnerable. This could cause a fire due to an electrical fault at any time.

Fairy lights alone cause upward of 20 fires a year in the UK. By not leaving Christmas lights on overnight you are saving electricity, stopping the chance of a fire and reducing wear and tear on the lights in general and batteries if they are battery operated.

Be safe when heating your home

During this cost of living crisis, people will struggle to heat their homes properly, this may lead to people taking up unsafe acts in an attempt to stay warm this Christmas. Safety must always be thought about equally or first. 

When using electric heaters, they must never be left unattended as they are a very capable fire starter. In the last 5 years electrical heaters have caused upward of 800 fires across the UK. They account for a third of all electrical fire fatalities. 

Keep candles away from flammable items

Candles are a cosy addition to any Christmas setup and are a common addition round the festive period. 

This is one of the most common tips for fire safety at Christmas time. Proper and safe use of candles is very important. Never leave a candle unattended and keep away from real trees, wreaths, curtains and any flammable material. – 20 fairy light fires,  London Fire Brigade – 800 fires over the last 5 years caused by electrical fire