No one wants to think about household fires, but they are a real possibility. According to UK government records in the 2021/22 annual period, there were 33,389 dwelling (a house, flat, or another place of residence) fires in the UK. When looking at statistics and data, the causes of household fires across one year are eye-opening. This is the breakdown of the most common causes of household fires in the UK.

What are the most common causes of household fires in the UK?
Cooking appliances are by far the most common cause of household fires in the UK, accounting for 44% of fires (10,494 in total) in 2022/23.
Here is a breakdown of the leading causes of house fires and the most common ignition sources.
1. Cooking appliances: 10,494 fires
The most common causes of cooking-related fires in UK homes are cookers & ovens (accounting for 6,762 fires), rings & hot plates (1,311), and grills & toasters (1,016).
2. Electrical distribution: 2,972 fires
The most common sources of ignition for electrical-related fires in UK homes are faulty wiring, cabling & plugs (2,219 incidents), batteries & generators (718) and heating equipment (35).
3. Smoking-related materials: 2,163 fires
There were 2,163 smoking-related fires recorded in 2022/23, with smoking materials such as cigarettes and cigarette lighters accounting for 1,979 fires and 184 fires respectively.
4. Domestic appliances: 2,122 fires
Domestic appliances caused 2,122 house fires in 2022/23. Tumble dryers accounted for 593 fires, followed by washing machines (432 fires) and fridge/freezers (157).
5. Matches and Candles: 1,057 fires
Candles were the cause of 915 house fires in 2022/23, while matches caused 142 fires.
The materials mainly responsible for the spread of the fire in homes are as follows:
- Textiles, upholstery and furnishings such as clothing and textiles
- Food, predominantly cooking oil or fat
- Structures and fittings such as internal wiring insulation
What other causes are there of fires?
Other causes of fires made up 21.1% of fires. This statistic comprises fires where the causes could not be identified. This also includes arson, and other fire causes such as houses being caught in wildfires.
When do most house fires occur in the UK?
House fires can happen at any time of day but are most common between the hours of 6 pm and 8 pm. Fires happen least between the hours of 4 am and 6 am.
Most house fires occur in April and June when house fires average 79 a day. Meanwhile, the fewest occur in September, when house fires average 65 a day.
How many deaths are caused by fire each year in the UK?
There were 335 fire-related deaths in the UK in 2021/22. The highest number of deaths caused by fire occurred in 1985/86 when there were 967 fire-related fatalities.