Famous Fires in Sport - Bradford City Stadium Fire

Famous Fires in Sport – Bradford City Stadium Fire

The Bradford City Stadium Fire was a tragic accident like no other. The fire occurred during a Football League Third Division match on Saturday, 11 May 1985 at the Valley Parade stadium in Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. The event led to the death of 56 spectators and injured at least 265. The Bradford City Stadium fire event changed the way that stadiums were built. This event paved the way for drastic new regulations regarding fire safety in these types of structures.

The Bradford City Stadium was renowned for its old-fashioned layout and features, which included the main stand’s wooden roof. Prior alerts had previously been issued over a significant accumulation of rubbish in the space beneath the stand’s seats. After the season, a steel structure was supposed to take its place, as the stand had been declared officially condemned.

The match between Bradford City and Lincoln City was the final game of the season. It had started in a celebratory atmosphere with the home team receiving the Third Division championship trophy.

The match kicked off at 3:04 pm and after 40 minutes of the first half, the score remained 0–0. The match was described to be a drab affair with neither team threatening to score.

At 3:44 pm, five minutes before half-time, the first sign of fire was noticed three rows from the back of block G. A glowing light could be seen, as reported by television commentator John Helm. 

In less than four minutes, with the windy conditions, the fire had engulfed the whole stand, trapping some people in their seats. In the panic that ensued, fleeing crowds escaped onto the pitch but others at the back of the stand tried to break down locked exit doors to escape. 

The fire escalated very rapidly, and flames became visible; police started to evacuate the stand. As the blaze spread, the wooden stands and roof covered with layers of highly flammable bituminous roofing quickly went ablaze. Burning timbers and molten materials fell from the roof onto the crowd and seating below, and dense black smoke enveloped a passageway behind the stand, where many spectators were trying to escape.

One eyewitness, Geoffrey Mitchell, told the BBC: “It spread like a flash. I’ve never seen anything like it. The smoke was choking. You could hardly breathe.” As spectators began to cascade over the wall separating the stand from the pitch, the linesman on that side of the pitch informed referee Norman Glover, who stopped the game with three minutes remaining before half-time. It took less than four minutes for the entire stand to be engulfed in flames.

There were no fire extinguishers in the stand’s passageway for fear of vandalism. One spectator ran to the clubhouse to find one but was overcome by smoke and impeded by others trying to escape, and could not return. Supporters either ran upwards to the back of the stand or downwards to the pitch to escape. The stand had no perimeter fencing to keep fans from accessing the pitch, thus averting an instance of crush asphyxia. Footage of the accident at this point shows levels of confusion among the spectators. While many were trying to escape or to cross the pitch to the relative safety of the neighbouring stands, other spectators were observed cheering or waving to the broadcasting pitchside cameras.

Most of the exits at the back were locked or shut and there were no stewards present to open them, but seven were forced open or found open. Three men smashed down one door and at least one exit was opened by people outside, which again helped prevent further deaths. Geoffrey Mitchell said: “There was panic as fans stampeded to an exit which was padlocked. Two or three burly men put their weight against it and smashed the gate open. Otherwise, I would not have been able to get out.” At the front of the stand, men threw children over the wall to help them escape. Most of those who escaped onto the pitch were saved.

People who had escaped the fire then tried to assist their fellow supporters. Police officers also assisted in the rescue attempts. One man clambered over burning seats to help a fan, as did player John Hawley, and one officer led fans to an exit, only to find it shut and had to turn around.

Bradford City’s coach Terry Yorath, whose family was in the stand, ran onto the pitch to help evacuate people. Another player went into the office space to ensure there was nobody there. One fan put his jumper over a fellow supporter’s head to extinguish flames. Those who escaped were taken out of the ground to neighbouring homes and a pub, where a television screened World of Sport, which broadcast video recorded of the fire just an hour after it was filmed. There were many cases of heroism, with more than 50 people later receiving police awards or commendations for bravery.

The fire brigade arrived at the ground four minutes after they were initially alerted. However, the fire had consumed the stand entirely by that point. The fire brigade was already faced with huge flames and very dense smoke on arrival. As many supporters still required rescue from the stand, they were unable to immediately start fighting the source of the fire.

The fire destroyed the main stand completely and left only burned seats, lamps and metal fences remaining. Within a few hours of the blaze starting, it was established that 56 people had been killed, many as a result of smoke inhalation, although some of them had survived until reaching the hospital.

What did the Bradford City Stadium Fire Change?

The Bradford City Stadium Fire led to rigid new safety standards in UK stadiums. This included the banning of new wooden grandstands. It was also a catalyst for the substantial redevelopment and the modernisation of many British football grounds. This changed many grounds across the country within the following thirty years. Bradford City continues to support the Bradford Burns Unit, at the University of Bradford, as its official charity.

how many seconds

How many seconds?

In the blink of an eye, disaster can strike, especially when it comes to house fires. Understanding the speed at which fires can spread is crucial for taking preventative measures and ensuring the safety of your loved ones. We’ll delve into the alarming pace at which a fire can escalate within different parts of a house and explore the crucial question of how many seconds it takes to extinguish a small fire with the right tools.

This displays the typical timeline of a 2 story house being engulfed in flames:

30 Seconds

After only 30 seconds, the fire starts and rapidly grows.

1 Minute

After 1 minute, the fire spreads from the initial flame, and the room begins to fill with smoke.

1 Minute 35 Seconds

At 1 minute 35 seconds, the temperature of the house goes higher than 88°C while the smoke layer rapidly descends.

1 Minute 50 Seconds

At 1 minute and 50 seconds, the smoke detector goes off. At this point, there is still time remaining to get out of the house.

2 Minutes 30 Seconds

At 2 minutes and 30 seconds, the temperature in the source room climbs above 204°C.

2 Minutes 48 Seconds

After 2 minutes and 48 seconds, the smoke will start pouring into the other rooms of the house.

3 Minutes

At 3 minutes, the temperature in the room where the fire began will reach over 260°C. No human can survive that kind of heat.

3 Minutes 20 Seconds

At 3 minutes and 20 seconds, escaping will be very challenging, with the upstairs halls filled with smoke.  

3 Minutes 41 Seconds

At 3 minutes and 41 seconds, a “flashover” occurs. Everything in the room where the fire originated will ignite, with the temperature exceeding 760°C.

4 Minutes 33 Seconds

At 4 minutes and 33 seconds, flames will have engulfed the home’s exterior. Rescue is no longer possible.

Less than 1 Minute

It takes less than a minute to extinguish a fire using the correct fire extinguisher when the fire is detected in the first 1 minute and 30 seconds of the fire initially starting. When a fire is detected and is still small enough to fight, this time is crucial. Fast and proper action is essential for the safety of yourself, your property and your loved ones. If the fire is too large, escape and you and your loved ones’ safety is key.


Every second counts when it comes to house fires. Understanding how many seconds it can take a fire to spread empowers homeowners to take proactive measures to prevent it. Equally important is knowing how to respond swiftly with the right tools, such as a fire extinguisher, to nip potential disasters in the bud. Being a few seconds faster in the battle against house fires can make all the difference between a close call and a devastating tragedy.

lithium-ion battery fires

Former firefighter reveals terrifying truths of lithium-ion battery fires

A former firefighter has raised serious concerns about how emergency crews deal with lithium-ion battery fires.

This came out in an interview with the firefighter after an electric bus set alight in Wimbledon on Thursday, Neil Pederson has warned of a tsunami of similar fires in the future.

Enormous amounts of water are needed and this type of lithium-ion battery fires are currently difficult to put out quickly.

He set up Fire Containers Ltd in 2019 which is looking to develop the world’s first Electric Vehicle Containment Unit.

How are lithium-ion battery fires put out?

Neil told Metro: ‘There could be a tsunami of electric vehicle fires if action is not taken soon.’

‘This is because they are basically chemical fires that spread from cell to cell and create a domino effect where water is useless against a blaze.’

‘Firefighters have to use 10 to 15 times more water to tackle an EV fire over a petrol or diesel vehicle because of hazardous flammable toxic gases it gives off from the lithium batteries.’

‘Water is useless against these toxic gases and turns to steam.’

‘What’s more, lithium batteries are on the bottom of electric vehicles and are hard for firefighters to tackle so this is where the EVCU comes in handy.’

The only fire services in the UK that use the EVCUs are Staffordshire and West Midlands.

With 20 million electric vehicles expected on the UK’s roads by 2032, up from 1.2 million in 2023, this poses a problem for fire services up and down the country.

The sale of electric vehicles outstripped diesel and petrol car sales last year, which Neil says will equate to more fires on the UK’s roads.

What could have caused the electric London bus fire?

Addressing Thursday’s fire in London, Neil said: ‘It’s most likely that today’s electric vehicle bus fire in London was caused by an electrical fault and may not be linked to the lithium-ion batteries if the fire started at the back of the bus.

‘This is because lithium batteries on electric buses are on the top of the front of the bus rather than the back.’

‘But as the sale of electric vehicles continues to increase, fires like these are only going to become more common.’

‘On average it takes firefighters four hours to extinguish EV fires and this is because of their lithium batteries and on average costs £1million an hour each time traffic is held up because of a burning vehicle.’

Have electric bus fires happened before?

The Wimbledon bus fire is not the first time an EV fire has caused chaos in London after a Potters Bar bus depot fire in 2019.

And there are safety concerns about a new Edgware EV bus garage proposed in north London.

Neil added: ‘The problem is that millions of electric vehicles are due to be sold with lithium batteries.’

‘The way to prevent this is investment in new technologies to replace these highly flammable batteries.’

‘Right now toxic gases are highly dangerous to the health and safety of firefighters on the ground as well.’

‘These fires are virtually impossible to stop and until then we face an increase and likelihood of more.’

For a more in-depth look into lithium-ion battery fires, check out our complete overview on the topic HERE.

the domino effect

The Domino Effect: How Quickly Fires Spread in Homes

In the blink of an eye, a spark can transform into a raging inferno, consuming a home in its destructive path. The speed at which fires spread through houses is nothing short of alarming, underscoring the critical importance of swift action in preventing irreparable damage and protecting lives. In this blog post, we’ll explore the domino effect of fire and why every second counts in the race against this formidable force of nature.

The Ignition Point

Fires typically start from a seemingly innocuous source – an unattended candle, a faulty electrical outlet, or a kitchen mishap. The ignition point, though small and inconspicuous, marks the beginning of a potential catastrophe. Once a fire gains a foothold, it can escalate rapidly, fueled by combustible materials commonly found in homes.

Fueling the Flames

The contents of our homes provide ample fuel for fires to thrive. From wooden furniture to curtains, carpets, and even everyday household items, many materials can contribute to the spread of flames. The modern home is filled with synthetic materials that burn quickly and emit toxic fumes, making the situation even more perilous.

The Domino Effect

As the fire devours one item after another, it creates a domino effect, intensifying its reach and impact. The heat generated by the flames can cause adjacent materials to catch fire, and soon entire rooms become engulfed in an unstoppable blaze. The rapid acceleration of the fire is astonishing, leaving little time for occupants to react.

The Importance of Fast Action

1. Life-Saving Measures: The primary concern during a house fire is the safety of the occupants. Swift action allows for a timely evacuation, minimising the risk of injury or loss of life. Fire spreads exponentially, and delays in response can prove fatal.

2. Property Preservation: Beyond lives, fast action is crucial for minimising property damage. Firefighters are skilled professionals, but even their prompt response may not be enough to save a home if the fire has already gained significant momentum.

3. Containment Possibility: Quick action may enable residents to contain or extinguish the fire at its inception. Having readily accessible fire extinguishers and knowing how to use them can make a significant difference in preventing a small incident from escalating.

4. Emergency Services Response: Timely calls to emergency services can expedite the arrival of firefighters, enhancing their ability to control and extinguish the fire before it spreads extensively.


The harrowing speed at which fires spread through houses is a stark reminder of the need for preparedness and quick action. Every second counts in the race against a fire, and the consequences of hesitation can be devastating. By understanding the domino effect of fire and prioritising swift responses, we can better protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our homes from the destructive forces that threaten us.

Firexo this christmas

Is Firexo What You Need in Your Home This Christmas?

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and quality time spent with loved ones. As we decorate our homes with festive lights, candles, and Christmas trees, it’s essential to prioritise safety to ensure a worry-free and happy holiday. This brings us to the question: Is Firexo what you need in your home this Christmas?

The Importance of Fire Safety During the Holidays

The holidays often involve an increased use of candles, cooking, and decorative lighting. While these elements contribute to the warm and inviting atmosphere, they also pose potential fire hazards. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), December is a peak month for home fires, with an average of 780 home structure fires per year attributed to decorations alone.

Understanding Firexo: A Revolutionary Fire Fighting Solution

Firexo is a cutting-edge fire suppression technology that has been gaining attention for its efficiency and ease of use. Unlike traditional fire extinguishers that may require different types for different fires, Firexo is an all-in-one solution that works on all major fire types: A, B, C, D, Electrical and F. This means it can extinguish all types of fires. The Firexo extinguisher can even be used against the very dangerous, Lithium-ion battery fires.

Why Choose Firexo for Your Home This Christmas?

1. Versatility: Firexo simplifies fire safety by providing a single solution for various fire types. This versatility is crucial in a home setting where fire risks may arise.

2. Ease of Use: Traditional fire extinguishers can be intimidating and confusing in the heat of the moment. Firexo has the perfect option for the home, offering a user-friendly canister that requires minimal training. Its simple operation allows anyone to respond quickly in case of an emergency.

3. Rapid Suppression: Time is of the essence during a fire emergency. Firexo is known for its rapid-fire suppression capabilities, helping to contain and extinguish flames swiftly, reducing the risk of further damage.

4. Minimal Residue: Traditional fire extinguishers can leave a messy residue, often causing additional property damage. Firexo, however, minimises residue, making the cleanup process more straightforward and less damaging.

Christmas-Specific Fire Risks

During the festive season, specific fire risks become more prevalent:

1. Decorative Lights: Faulty wiring and overloaded circuits can lead to electrical fires.

2. Candles: Unattended candles pose a significant fire risk, especially with the abundance of decorative candles during the holidays.

3. Cooking: Increased cooking activities, particularly using oils and fats, heighten the risk of kitchen fires.

Conclusion: A Safer and Merrier Christmas with Firexo

As you prepare to celebrate the holidays with your loved ones, prioritising fire safety is a responsible and essential step. The versatility, ease of use, and rapid suppression capabilities of Firexo make it a valuable addition to your home this Christmas. Consider investing in this innovative fire suppression solution to ensure a safer and merrier holiday season for you and your family. To look more into Firexo and all the options, find more HERE.

Remember, prevention is key, but being prepared with the right tools, such as Firexo, can make all the difference in protecting what matters most. May your holidays be filled with warmth, joy, and, above all, safety.

Heat your home safely

Heat Your Home Safely This Winter

As the winter chill sets in, we all yearn for a warm and cosy home. While heating appliances are essential during this season, it’s crucial to prioritise fire safety to ensure that your winter wonderland doesn’t turn into a disaster zone. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical tips and guidelines to help you heat your home safely this winter.

1. Inspect and Maintain Heating Appliances

Before firing up your heating appliances, conduct a thorough inspection to ensure they are in good working condition. Regular maintenance, including cleaning and servicing, is vital to prevent potential fire hazards. Replace any worn-out parts; if you notice any issues, contact a professional technician.

2. Install and Test Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms are your first line of defence against fire emergencies. Ensure you have working smoke alarms installed in key areas of your home, such as bedrooms and hallways. Test them regularly and replace batteries at least once a year. We recommend testing fire alarms every week to make sure they are in working condition. If your alarms are more than ten years old, it’s time to replace them.

3. Use Space Heaters with Caution

Space heaters are convenient for targeted heating, but they pose fire risks if not used properly. Keep space heaters at least three feet away from flammable materials such as curtains, furniture, and bedding. Turn them off when you leave the room or sleep, and avoid using extension cords to power them.

4. Practice Fireplace Safety

If you’re lucky enough to have a fireplace, ensure it’s clean and well-maintained. Use a sturdy screen to prevent sparks from flying into the room, and never leave a fire unattended. Dispose of ashes in a metal container, and store them away from flammable materials.

5. Be Mindful of Electrical Appliances

Overloaded circuits and faulty wiring can lead to electrical fires. Avoid overloading outlets, and if you notice any electrical issues, address them immediately. Consider consulting with an electrician to ensure your home’s electrical system can handle the additional load from heating appliances.

6. Educate Your Family on Fire Safety

Ensure everyone in your household is aware of fire safety practices. Create and regularly practice a fire escape plan, designating a meeting point outside the home. Teach family members how to use fire extinguishers and emphasise the importance of staying calm in case of an emergency.

7. Invest in a Carbon Monoxide Detector

Heating appliances, especially those fueled by gas, can produce carbon monoxide, an odourless and colourless gas that can be deadly. Install a carbon monoxide detector in your home, preferably near sleeping areas. Test it regularly to ensure it’s functioning correctly. Find our link to the carbon monoxide detectors that we offer, HERE.

As you embark on creating a warm and inviting home this winter, make fire safety a top priority. By following these guidelines and staying vigilant, you can enjoy a cosy and secure winter season. Remember, it only takes a few precautions to turn your home into a haven from the winter cold. Stay warm and stay safe!

Christmas Light Fire Safety

Light Up Your Holidays Safely

The holiday season is a time of joy, warmth, and lots of festivities. As you deck the halls and trim the tree, it’s essential to keep safety at the forefront of your celebrations. One significant aspect to pay attention to is electrical safety, particularly when it comes to Christmas lights. In this post, we’ll explore some crucial tips to ensure your holiday season remains merry and bright without the risk of fire hazards.

1. Inspect Your Lights

Before you start decorating, carefully inspect all your Christmas lights. Look for frayed wires, broken sockets, or any other visible signs of damage. Some people may be reluctant to replace old sets of lights for them being full of old memories.  If you notice any issues, it’s safer to replace the lights than to risk a fire. Always purchase lights from reputable sources, ensuring they meet safety standards.

Christmas Light Fire Safety

2. Watering Real Christmas Trees

This one is often used as a method for keeping your tree healthy and full throughout December. It is also one of the best tips for fire safety at Christmas time. This little trick can help stop the huge spread of a fire and can easily save lives and homes.

Dry Christmas trees are very flammable and can turn a small flame into a full house fire in a matter of minutes. This is demonstrated very well with this great YouTube video by PennLive.com.

3. Use the Right Lights for the Right Purpose

Not all Christmas lights are created equal. Outdoor lights are designed to withstand the elements, while indoor lights may not have the same level of durability. Be sure to use lights in their intended environments to prevent safety hazards. If you’re unsure, check the packaging or consult the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Holiday Fire Safety - Outside Lights
Holiday Fire Safety - Overloaded Sockets

4. Avoid Overloading Outlets

Overloading electrical outlets is a common cause of fires during the holiday season. Spread your decorations across multiple outlets and use surge protectors to prevent electrical overload. Never daisy-chain multiple extension cords or power strips, as this can increase the risk of overheating and fires.

5. Turn Off Lights When You're Away

Save energy and reduce the risk of fire by turning off your Christmas lights when you leave the house or go to bed. This is a very common mistake people make, especially when leaving the house in the evening. Lights are left on so that they can look nice for anyone looking in whilst you are out. 

Consider using timers or smart plugs to automate this process, ensuring your lights aren’t left on unnecessarily. Turning the lights off overnight is a very important step to make sure there is no risk of them starting a fire.

Holiday Fire Safety - Turning Off Lights
Christmas Lights - Mindful Placement

6. Mindful Placement

Ensure that your Christmas lights are placed away from flammable materials, such as curtains, drapes, or furniture. Keep lights clear of any potential fire hazards, and avoid placing them near heat sources like radiators or fireplaces.

7. Properly Dispose of Old Lights

If you’re replacing old Christmas lights, dispose of them properly. Do not toss them in the regular bin, as they can pose an environmental hazard. Look for recycling programs or look into proper disposal methods in your area.

Disposal of Christmas Lights

8. Educate Your Family

Ensure that everyone in your household is aware of the importance of electrical safety during the holidays. Teach children not to play with electrical decorations and emphasise the need for responsible use of lights.

9. Have an Emergency Plan

In case the unexpected happens, have a fire emergency plan in place. Ensure everyone in your household knows how to exit the home safely and where to gather outside. Keep fire extinguishers in accessible areas and check that they are in good working condition.

This holiday season, prioritise safety to guarantee a festive and worry-free celebration. By following these tips and being mindful of electrical safety, you can create a joyful and secure environment for you and your loved ones. May your holidays be filled with warmth, light, and the magic of the season!

Fire Escape Plan

The Importance of a Fire Escape Plan and Fire Safety Signs

Workplace safety is a paramount concern for employers and employees alike. Among the various hazards that can pose a threat to the well-being of individuals in a workplace, fires are particularly dangerous. Having a well-thought-out fire escape plan and prominently displayed fire safety signs can make a significant difference in ensuring the safety of everyone in the event of an emergency.

The Importance of a Fire Escape Plan

Rapid Evacuation

A well-designed fire escape plan is crucial for facilitating a rapid and organised evacuation during a fire emergency. Time is of the essence in such situations, and having a predetermined escape route ensures that everyone can exit the building quickly and efficiently.

Minimising Panic

A clear and rehearsed fire escape plan helps minimise panic and confusion during an emergency. Knowing where to go and what to do reduces stress and enables individuals to respond calmly, making the evacuation process smoother.


A detailed escape plan should include designated meeting points outside the building. This helps account for all employees and visitors, ensuring that no one is left behind in the chaos of an evacuation.

Emergency Response Coordination

Fire escape plans should outline the roles and responsibilities of designated personnel in the event of a fire. This coordination ensures that necessary actions are taken promptly, such as calling emergency services and assisting with the evacuation.

Implementing Fire Safety Signs

Clear Communication

Fire safety signs play a crucial role in communicating essential information to individuals in the workplace. Clear and concise signage indicating exit routes, assembly points, and locations of firefighting equipment contribute to a safer environment.

Visibility and Placement

Proper placement of fire safety signs is vital. They should be highly visible, easily readable, and strategically located throughout the workplace, especially near exits, stairwells, and fire extinguishers. Glow-in-the-dark or illuminated signs can enhance visibility in low-light conditions.

Compliance with Regulations

Many jurisdictions have specific regulations regarding the installation and placement of fire safety signs in workplaces. Compliance with these regulations is not only a legal requirement but also crucial for the safety of everyone on the premises. To view more on regulations, check out our more in-depth look HERE.

Regular Maintenance

Fire safety signs should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure they remain visible and accurate. Faded or damaged signs should be promptly replaced to avoid any confusion during an emergency.

Fire Escape Plan and Safety Signs Overview

In conclusion, fire escape plans and fire safety signs are integral components of a comprehensive workplace safety strategy. A well-prepared escape plan, coupled with clear and visible signage, can mean the difference between chaos and order during a fire emergency. Employers should prioritise the development, communication, and regular practice of fire escape plans to safeguard the well-being of their employees and visitors. Additionally, maintaining up-to-date and compliant fire safety signs contributes to creating a safer work environment for everyone.

Five Facts About Fire Extinguishers

Five Facts About Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are often overlooked until the moment we need them the most. These life-saving devices come in various shapes and sizes, but there’s more to them than meets the eye. In this blog post, we’ll delve into five fascinating facts about fire extinguishers that you might not know.

1. The ABCs of Fire Extinguishers

Most people are familiar with the ABC classification system on fire extinguishers, indicating the types of fires they can effectively combat. However, what’s lesser-known is the exact breakdown of these classifications:

– A: Ordinary combustibles (wood, paper).

– B: Flammable liquids (oil, gasoline).

– C: Flammable gases (propane, methane).

– D: Combustible metals (lithium, magnesium).

– Electrical Fires: Not their own classification but have to be treated as such.

– F: Kitchen fires involving cooking oils and fats.

Understanding the specific classes helps ensure that the right extinguisher is used for the corresponding fire type, maximising its effectiveness. For a more in-depth look into the fire classes, check out our more comprehensive overview HERE.

2. Colour Codes

Have you ever wondered why fire extinguishers come in different colours? The array of colours are not just for aesthetics but they serve as a crucial identifier for the type of extinguishing agent inside:

– Water: Red

– Foam: Cream

– Dry Powder: Blue

– CO2: Black

– Wet Chemical: Yellow

Knowing the colour code can be vital during emergencies when quick identification is essential for swift action.

3. The Importance of Regular Inspections

Fire extinguishers aren’t “install and forget” devices. They require regular inspections to ensure they’re in optimal working condition. Many extinguishers have pressure gauges, and periodic checks can help confirm that the pressure is within the recommended range. Additionally, inspecting for visible signs of damage, such as corrosion or leakage, is crucial for maintaining reliability and usability.

4. The Power of PASS

When it comes to having to operate a fire extinguisher, the acronym PASS can be a handy guide:

– P: Pull the pin

– A: Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire

– S: Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent

– S: Sweep from side to side while aiming at the base of the fire

Remembering and practising the PASS technique can make a significant difference in effectively tackling a fire. To find out more about using fire extinguishers and the PASS technique, check out our more in-depth look HERE.

5. Fire Extinguishers Have an Expiry Date

Yes, even fire extinguishers have a shelf life. Most extinguishers are designed to last between 5 to 15 years, depending on their type. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations and the label on the extinguisher to know when it’s time for a replacement. Regular maintenance and proper storage can extend their lifespan, ensuring they remain reliable when needed.


Fire extinguishers are unsung heroes in our daily lives, ready to leap into action when the unexpected occurs. By understanding these five key facts about fire extinguishers, we can appreciate the importance of proper usage, maintenance, and selection of these vital safety devices. Stay informed, and stay safe!

PASS Technique

Using Fire Extinguishers – The PASS Technique

In the event of a fire emergency, having a well-thought-out plan and the right tools can make the difference between a manageable incident and a catastrophic disaster. Fire extinguishers are essential firefighting tools that can be the first line of defence when a small fire breaks out. However, knowing how to use a fire extinguisher correctly is crucial for effective fire suppression. One widely recognised method for using fire extinguishers is the PASS technique, an acronym that stands for Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep. In this guide, we’ll delve into the details of the PASS technique to empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to confidently handle fire extinguishers in emergency situations.

Understanding the PASS Technique


The first step in employing the PASS technique is to pull the pin on the fire extinguisher. This action is essential to unlocking the operating mechanism, allowing you to discharge the extinguishing agent. The pin is typically located at the top of the extinguisher, and pulling it out is a straightforward process.


After pulling the pin, the next step is to aim the nozzle or hose of the fire extinguisher at the base of the fire. This is crucial because the extinguishing agent needs to make contact with the source of the flames to be effective. Always aim for the base of the fire rather than the flames themselves, as targeting the fuel source helps cut off the fire’s oxygen supply.


With the nozzle aimed at the base of the fire, squeeze the handle or lever to discharge the extinguishing agent. This action releases the pressurised contents of the extinguisher, allowing it to combat the fire. Maintaining a firm grip on the handle is important to ensure a continuous and controlled flow of the extinguishing agent.


The final step in the PASS technique is to sweep the nozzle or hose from side to side across the base of the fire. This sweeping motion helps cover a larger area and ensures that the extinguishing agent is distributed evenly, suppressing the flames effectively. Continue sweeping until the fire is completely extinguished.

Other Factors

PASS is only one small part of using fire extinguishers. It’s important to understand all aspects of using different types of fire extinguishers. There are also many other factors that contribute to properly using a fire extinguisher.

Choosing the Right Type of Fire Extinguisher

While the PASS technique is a universal approach, it’s important to use the right type of fire extinguisher for the specific class of fire. There are different classes of fires (Class A, B, C, D, Electrical and F), each requiring a specific type of extinguishing agent. To learn more about different classes of fire CLICK HERE. Make sure to familiarise yourself with the classes and choose the appropriate fire extinguisher for the situation.

Training and Familiarisation

Mastering the PASS technique requires practice and familiarity with the specific fire extinguisher you have on hand. Consider participating in fire safety training programs that simulate real-life scenarios, allowing you to hone your skills in a controlled environment. Familiarise yourself with the location of fire extinguishers in your workplace or home, ensuring quick and easy access during an emergency.

Regular Maintenance and Inspection

Fire extinguishers should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure their functionality. Check the pressure gauge, inspect the nozzle and hose for damage, and make sure the pin is intact. If you notice any issues, report them immediately and replace or recharge the extinguisher as necessary.


The PASS technique is a fundamental method for using fire extinguishers effectively and safely. By understanding and practising these steps, you can play a crucial role in preventing the escalation of small fires and protecting lives and property. Remember that fire safety is a collective responsibility, and being prepared with the right knowledge and tools can make a significant difference in emergency situations. Stay informed, stay safe, and empower yourself to be a proactive participant in fire safety measures.