Lithium-ion battery fire nottingham

Warning sent after faulty laptop causes home destroying fire in Nottingham

A fire investigation into a Nottingham house fire finds that the cause was a faulty laptop. This laptop was found to have suffered a lithium-ion battery failure after being left on charge overnight. The fire that it started destroyed the home of a family of four.

Around 3:35am on June 26, the fire service was called to a house on The Crescent in Woodthorpe, Nottingham.

The smoke alarms inside the house sounded meaning the family of four had a chance to escape in time. Had the fire alarms not been installed or working, the consequences could have been devastating.

Beth Hayman, Fire Investigation Officer, said: “This is a very devastating incident in which a family lost their house and belongings.”

“I urge everyone not to continuously charge electrical devices and to ensure they are switched off at the wall socket overnight. When charging devices ensure they are charged using the manufactured product from the device provider.”

“Fortunately, due to the working smoke alarms within the property, the family managed to escape to safety. Make sure you test your alarms regularly as they save lives.”

Cases like this one emphasise the dangers of lithium-ion batteries. This simple failure could happen to anyone. Please avoid leaving electrical devices overnight or for an excessive period of time. To find out more, check out our blog on lithium-ion battery fires and the dangers of overcharging them by clicking HERE.

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